Una vista de North Berwick Law (190mts sobre el nivel del mar) desde Arbroath en el otro lado del fiordo de Forth.
A view of North Berwick Law (190mts above sea level) from Arbroath on the other side of the Firth of Forth.
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012
Stonehaven War Memorial, Scotland
Monumento erguido para recordar a las víctimas locales durante la I y II Guerra Mundial. Es visible desde bastantes zonas debido a su posición en un altiplano al sur de Stonehaven, Escocia.
Monument built to remember local victims during World War I and II. It is visible from many areas due its position on a south high land near Stonehaven, Scotland.
Monument built to remember local victims during World War I and II. It is visible from many areas due its position on a south high land near Stonehaven, Scotland.
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012
Ganado escocés de los Highlands / Scottish Highlands cattle
Originaria de las tierras altas de Escocia aunque en las últimas décadas ha sido exportada a otros países, se caracteriza por su amplia cornamenta, espeso pelaje y su resistencia a las adversas condiciones meteorológicas. Su carne tiende a ser tierna y de gran sabor pero también de alto valor comercial.
En Highland Cattle Society podéis encontrar más información sobre el ganado escocés.
Native of the Scottish Highlands although in the last decades has been exported to other countries over the world, is characterized because of its wide horns, long coats and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Its meat tends to be tender and great taste but with high commercial value as well.
On Highland Cattle Society you can find more information about the Scottish cattle.
En Highland Cattle Society podéis encontrar más información sobre el ganado escocés.
Native of the Scottish Highlands although in the last decades has been exported to other countries over the world, is characterized because of its wide horns, long coats and resistance to adverse weather conditions. Its meat tends to be tender and great taste but with high commercial value as well.
On Highland Cattle Society you can find more information about the Scottish cattle.
viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012
St George's Free Church tower, Edinburgh
También conocida como St Andrew's Free Church o Stockbridge Church, fue planificada a mediados del s: XIX por Frederick Thomas Pilkingtony y terminada antes de 1870 con la construcción de la torre.
Frederick Thomas, reconocido arquitecto escocés, proyectó otras 12 iglesias en Edinburgo así como varios edifícios de culto en Escocia
Also known as St Andrew's Free Church or Church Stockbridge, was planned in the mid-s: XIX by Frederick Thomas Pilkingtony and completed by 1870 with the construction of the tower.
Frederick Thomas, renowned Scottish architect, designed another 12 churches in Edinburgh city and several buildings around Scotland.
Frederick Thomas, reconocido arquitecto escocés, proyectó otras 12 iglesias en Edinburgo así como varios edifícios de culto en Escocia
Also known as St Andrew's Free Church or Church Stockbridge, was planned in the mid-s: XIX by Frederick Thomas Pilkingtony and completed by 1870 with the construction of the tower.
Frederick Thomas, renowned Scottish architect, designed another 12 churches in Edinburgh city and several buildings around Scotland.
miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012
Foca común / Common Seal, Edinburgh
La foca común o foca de puerto (Phoca Vitulina), es uno de los mamíferos más grandes que se pueden ver en UK. Son muy curiosos y no dejan de zambullirse y bucear en busca de peces. Se ha calculado una población mundial de 5 millones de ejemplares repartidos por todos los mares del hemisferio norte. Su hermana la foca gris (Halichoerus Grypus), tiene el 40% de su población viviendo alrededor de UK y Irlanda, son más grandes pudiendo pesar 300kg.
En éste video se pueden ver los dos tipos de focas en las Okrney Islands, Scotland.
The common seal or harbor seal (Phoca Vitulina), is one of the largest mammals that can be seen in UK. They are very curious and are constantly diving, looking for fish. It has been estimated a global population of 5 million, distributed over all the seas of the northern hemisphere. Its sister, the grey seal (Halichoerus Grypus), has 40% of its population living around UK and Ireland, they are larger and can weigh 300kg.
In this video you can see the two kinds of seals in Orkney Islands, Scotland.
En éste video se pueden ver los dos tipos de focas en las Okrney Islands, Scotland.
The common seal or harbor seal (Phoca Vitulina), is one of the largest mammals that can be seen in UK. They are very curious and are constantly diving, looking for fish. It has been estimated a global population of 5 million, distributed over all the seas of the northern hemisphere. Its sister, the grey seal (Halichoerus Grypus), has 40% of its population living around UK and Ireland, they are larger and can weigh 300kg.
In this video you can see the two kinds of seals in Orkney Islands, Scotland.
Retratos de la foca común en Edimburgo. Common seal portraits in Edinburgh.
5dmkII+70-200mmf2.8ISII+extender 2xII.
5dmkII+70-200mmf2.8ISII+extender 2xII.
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