Forth Bridge son unos puentes para poder pasar al otro lado del Fiordo de Forth (Firth of Forth) y evitar hacer 50km para rodearlo, situados junto al pueblo de North Queensferry, a a 15 km de Edimburgo.
The Forth Rail Bridge se inauguró en 1890 y es únicamente para ferrocarril. Se dice que en su construcción murieron unas 100 personas.
The Forth Road Bridge, inaugurado en 1964, lo utilizan automóviles y peatones y hasta 2008 había que pagar una pequeña tasa por cruzarlo. Cuando finalizó su construcción, fue el cuarto puente más largo del mundo.
Forth Bridge are a couple of bridges to cross to the other side of the Firth of Forth and avoid do 50km to around it.
They are situated next to South Queensferry, 15km of Edinburgh. The Forth Rail Bridge was opened in 1890 and is only for railroad. It is said about 100 people were killed during its construction.
The Forth Road Bridge, opened in 1964, cars and pedestrians can use it and until 2008 it had to pay a small fee to cross it. When it was completed, was the fourth longest bridge in the world.
Forth Road Bridge
Forth Road Bridge
Forth Rail Bridge